

Friday 15 February 2019

Idioms & Phrases Previous Questions |ഇംഗ്ലീഷ് ശൈലികളും പ്രയോഗങ്ങളും

Choose the alternative which express the meaning of the idiom/phrase:

1. Bring to book
a) punish    
b) promote          
c) Praise     
d) forget
Ans: a

2. Break the news:
a) Reveal a secret    
b) crack a joke    
c) Give a bad news  
d) clear doubt
Ans: c

3. Call a spade a spade:
a) Speak softly    
b) make fun of    
c) Speak aloud  
d) speak very plainly
Ans: d

4. Blow one's on trumpet:
a) Abuse oneself                     
b) praise oneself
c)Ignore own mistakes                    
d) speak belittling others
Ans: b

5. Hit below the belt:
a) Act unfairly              
b) act fairly
c) Do wrong things      
d) do things untimely?
Ans: a

6. Cut a sorry figure:
a) Break the laws                    
b) cause destruction
c) Make a poor show             
d) cause delay in doing things
Ans: c

7. Let the cat out of the bag:
a) Help one to escape            
b) act freely
c) Empty the place                 
d) reveal a secret
Ans: d

8. Pull the wool over one's eye:
a) Help one in need  
b) deceive  
c) Console  
d) wipe tears of the poor
Ans: b

9. Chicken hearted:
a) Jolly       
b) fearless            
c) Sincere            
d) coward       
Ans: d

10. Turn the corner:
a) Overcome difficulties         
b) disappear from the scene
c) Hide                                    
d) speak ill of others
Ans: a

11. Olive branch:
a) Sign of sorrow          
b) a warning of tragedy
c) A sign of peace         
d) a gesture of agreement
Ans: c

12. Spin a yarn:
a) Work hard                
b) fabricate a story
c) Work cautiously       
d) while away one's time.
Ans: b

13. End in smoke:
a) Fail   
b) do badly  
c)Set things on fire   
d) leave halfway through
Ans: a

14. Put the cart before the horse:
a) Do things fast           
b) finish before time
c) Work properly          
d) alter the proper order
Ans: d

15. Primrose path:
a) Fragrance        
b) luxury    
c) Easy going life                    
d) hard life
Ans: c

16. A moot point:
a) An appropriate idea                    
b) a controversial point
c) A silly argument                
d) a thoughtless action
Ans: b

17. A wild goose chase:
a) A futile attempt        
b) a conscious effort
c) An act of courage     
d) an ignorant act
Ans: a

18. Pros and cons:
a) Keep silence    
b) opposite meaning
c) Funny idea      
d) for and against arguments
Ans: d

19. Leave no stone unturned:
a) Destroy everything            
b) make all possible attempts
c) Amuse everybody              
d) neglect one's duty
Ans: b

20. A white elephant:
a) A valuable thing       
b) a burdensome possession
c) A sarong enemy       
d) a night mare Phrasal verbs
 Ans: b

Phrasal Verbs:

21. The child _____ its mother
a) Looks after      
b) looks for          
c) Takes care of   
d) takes after
Ans: d

22. India will _____ South Africa in the Mohali ODI Cricket.
a) Take on 
b) take in   
c) Take up 
d) take away
Ans: a

23. I found it very difficult to _____ the noise.
a) Put across       
b) put in     
c) Put up with     
d) put aside
Ans: c

24. She has twenty _____ years of service at this office.
a) Put up    
b) put in     
c) Put aside         
d) put in for
Ans: b

25. The office _____ the belated applications.
a) Turned away   
b) turned up        
c) Turned off       
d) turned down
Ans: d

26. How did you _____ at the top of the building?
a) Get across       
b) get in to                    
c) Get at     
d) get away with
Ans: c

27. Children like to _____ new clothes on festive occasions.
a) Put on    
b) put across      
c) Put in for         
d) put off
Ans: a

28. How many candidates _____ for the interview?
a) Turned away   
b) turned up        
c) Turned out      
d) turned in
Ans: b

29. The teacher could easily _____ the ideas.
a) Give up  
b) give away       
c) Put across       
d) put in
Ans: c

30. She _____ smokes after the marriage.
a) Gave away       
b) gave out                    
c) Gave in            
d) gave up
Ans: d

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