

Monday 21 January 2019

ഗാന്ധിജി പി.എസ്.സി ആവര്‍ത്തിക്കുന്ന 100 ചോദ്യങ്ങള്‍

1. Gandhiji wrote Hind Swaraj in: 1909

2. Name the leader who last met Gandhiji for about an hour and left
him just few minutes before he was shot dead on January 30, 1948 while on his way to the prayer meeting- Sardar Patel

3. The year of Ahmedabad Mill strike in which Gandhiji observed hunger strike for the first time? 1918

4. Where the All India Khilafat Conference was held under the presidentship of Gandhiji? Delhi

5. Who was deputed by Gandhiji to lead the anti-tax campaign in Bardoli? Vallabh Bhai Patel

6. Whom Gandhiji declared as his political heir? Jawaharlal Nehru

7. Gandhiji was assassinated at the age of: 79

8. Gandhiji was imprisoned for ...... days in India. 2089

9. Who was Gokuldas Makanji to Gandhiji? Father in law

10. Who was known as the ‘spiritual heir’ of Mahathma Gandhi? Vinoba Bhave

11. Who was selected as the second Satyagrahi when Gandhiji launched individual Satyagraha in 1940? Jawaharlal Nehru

12. Whom Gandhiji called Rajarshi? Purushotham Das Tandon

13. Why Gandhiji called for the boycott of the Simon Commission? None of the members were Indians

14. In which year Gandhiji went to South Africa for the first time? 1893

16. In which year Gandhiji decided to return to India from South Africa? 1914

17. In which year Gandhiji started Phoenix settlement near Durban? 1904

18. In which year Gandhiji visited Sri Narayana Guru? 1925

19. In which year Mahadev Desai, the private secretary of Gandhiji passed away? 1944

20. Porbander, the birth place of Gandhiji is famous as the birth place of the which epic charecter? Kuchela

21. The capital of which Indian state is named after Gandhiji? Gujarat

22. The date in which Gandhiji violated salt law in Dandi beach: 1930 April 6

23. The father of Gandhiji: Karam Chand Gandhi

24. Gandhi ended his fast in Yervada prison which he started after the Communal Award of Ramsay Mc Donald: Pune Pact

25. Gandhiji got Barrister at Law from: England

26. Gandhiji was assassinated on: 30th January 1948

27. In 1924 Gandhiji became the president of Indian National Congress. The session was held at: Belgaum

28. In which state the Sevagram Ashram of Mahathma Gandhi is situated? Maharashtra

29. The grand father of Gandhiji: Uttamchand Gandhi

30. The leader who was born on the birthanniversary of Gandhiji i.e. October 2: Lal Bahadur Shastri

31. The saint who influenced very much the life of Gandhiji: Rai Chand Bhai

32. Which agitation was ended as a result of Gandhi-Irwin Pact? Civil Disobedience movement

33. Who helped Gandhiji to organise the meeting of Indians in Pretoria? Tyab Haji Khan

34. In which language Gandhiji started the publication of ‘Navjeevan’? Gujarati

35. In which year Gandhiji founded Tolstoy Farm in Johannesberg? 1910

36. In which year the first son of Gandhiji was born? 1888

37. The incident which compelled Gandhiji to repeal non-cooperation movement? Chauri-Chaura incident

38. The political guru of Gandhiji: Gopala Krishna Gokhale

39. Who was the first editor of Indian Opinion? Mansukhlal Nazer

40. Who was the secretary of Mahathma Gandhi after the demise of Mahadev Desai: Pyarelal

41. “The light has gone out, Darkness everywhere” who made this statement when Gandhiji was assassinated? Jawaharlal Nehru

42. Gandhiji was born on: 2nd October 1869

43. In Chauri Chaura incident the mob attacked: Police Station

44. In which year Kasturba Gandhi passed away? 1944

45. The British king whom Gandhiji visited when he reached London for the
Round Table Conference: George V

46. The educational system propounded by Mahathma Gandhi: Nayee Thalim

47. In which year Gandhiji conducted his last Satyagraha? 1948

48. In which year Gandhiji formed Indian Ambulance Corps during the Boer War? 1899

49. The first son of Gandhiji: Harilal

50. The headquarters of Navjeevan trust established by Gandhiji in 1929: Ahmedabad

51. Muhammad Ali Jinnah, the political rival of Mahathma Gandhi, passed away in: 1948

52. The disciple of Gandhiji who started Bhoodan Movement? Vinoba Bhave

53. The first countrywide agitation launched by Gandhiji in India: Non Cooperation movement

54. The ideal state envisaged by Gandhiji: Ram Rajya

55. The real name of Mira Behn, the disciple of Gandhiji: Madeleine Slade

56. The samadhi of Gandhiji: Raj Ghat

57. The year of Chauri-Chaura incident which compelled Gandhiji to repeal
Non cooperation movement: 1922

58. In which language, the autobiography of Gandhiji was published for the first
time? Gujarati

59. The epic charector influenced Gandhiji very much in his childhood: Harischandra

60. The leader who passed away the previous day of Gandhiji launched Non-cooperation movement: Bal Gangadhar Tilak

61. Who called Gandhiji as ‘half naked fakir’? Winston Churchill

62. In which year Gandhiji read Bhagavat Gita for the first time? 1889

63. In which year the assassins of Gandhiji was executed? 1949

64. What was called by Gandhiji as his spiritual reference book ? Bhagavat Gita

65. Who authored ‘I follow the Mahathma’? K.M.Munshi

66. The venue of the first Congress session in which Gandhiji participated? Kolkata

67. Who compared Gandhi’s Dandi March to the historic journey of Sri Rama to Lanka? Motilal Nehru

68. Who made an attempt on the life o fMahathma Gandhi in South Africa when he made an an agreement with General Smuts? Mir Alam Khan

69. In 1914 Gandhiji ended his stay in South Africa and went to: London

70. In which jail the assassins of Gandhiji were executed? Ambala

71. What was called ‘post dated cheque’ by Gandhiji? Crip’s Mission

72. What was the promise given to his mother by Gandhiji before his going to into Indian politics?
Gopala Krishna Gokhale

74. Who presided over the 1901 session of INC in which Gandhiji attended for the first time? DE Wacha

75. Who wrote “Life of Mahathma Gandhi”? Louis Fischer

76. Why Gandhi opted very little cloth for dressing? To show his solidarity

77. Whom Gandhiji called ‘the prince of patriots’? Subhas Chandra Bose

78. After the attainment of political independence in 1947, Gandhiji felt that the Congress, as a propaganda vehicle and a parliamentary machine, had outlived its usefulness. So to keep the Congress away from unhealthy competition with political parties and communal bodies, Gandhiji towards the end of January 1948 sketched a draft constitution for the Congress to transform itself into
...... Lok Sevak Sangh

79. Who was executed along with Nathuram Godse in Gandhi Assassination Case? Narayan Apte

80. Who was known as ‘Delhi Gandhi’? C.Krishnan Nair

81. Who was known as ‘Frontier Gandhi’? Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan

82. “For that light represented something more than the immediate past, it represented the living, the eternal truths, reminding us of the right path, drawing us from error, taking this ancient country to freedom.” Who said these words when Gandhiji passed
away? Jawaharlal Nehru

83. ‘After me, he will speak my language’ Gandhiji made this statement on 15th January, 1941 before AICC, intending: Jawaharlal Nehru

84. Due to which disease Gandhiji was compelled to leave England to India in 1914? Pleurisy

85. In which language Gandhiji started the weekly ‘Young India’? English

86. In which year the first issue of Young India was published under the
editorialship of Gandhiji? 1919

87. In which year’s Nobel Peace Prize,Gandhiji was nominated for the last time? 1948

88. Kheda where Gandhiji conducted Satyagraha is in the state of : Gujarat

89. The childhood name of Gandhiji: Manu or Moniya

90. The correct spelling of which word was unknown to Gandhiji when a school inspector conducted a dictation test in his childhood? Kettle

91. The number policemen killed by the mob in Chauri Chaura incident: 22

92. The session of INC which approved the non-cooperation movement of Gandhiji was held at: Kolkata

93. Who called Gandhiji as ‘Father of Nation’ for the first time? Subhas Chandra Bose

94. Which food was advised to Gandhiji by his childhood friend Mehtab in order to get power? Meat

95. Who authored ‘In search of Gandhi”? Richard Attenborogh

96. What was the age of Gandhiji when he reached India from South Africa in 1915? 45

97. Who said “ Satyagraha is the tool of strong people”? Mahathma Gandhi

98. Who was known as ‘Bihar Gandhi’? Rajendraprasad

99. Who coined the term ‘Satyagraha’? Gandhiji

100. At what age Gandhiji decided to adopt brahmacharya? 37

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